you have internal balance settled – the “two peace-steps”; peace with God and
peace with self – then you will have laid a proper foundation for external
balance, which shows itself as peace with the world.
balance is the outer you. It is what the world sees. It is your ability to be
organized, to stay focused, and to prioritize every action in your life.
Without external balance you have no physical prove for success. People respond
to tangibility and external balance creates tangible things. Some years back
while sharing my “great” visions of the future to my wife (then fiancé), Gift,
she interjected and said, “I have heard a thousand of your dreams. Can you do
one for me to see?” I realized at that moment that I may have internal balance
but lacked sufficient external balance to bring to bear my dreams and
balance begins with a vision. What do you see with your mind’s eye? What has
your heart captured, or like the ancient prophet put it, is your “heart
inditing a good matter”? Vision forms the framework for all success. It turned
corn to cornflakes, potato and rice to Pringles, and lemon to lemonade. It is
vision that initiates the process of taking nature’s gift to finished products
that add value to human life. It is vision that gives you a blueprint for your
success journey.
we go to goals – long term and short term. Do you have them? It was Earl
Nightingale who likened the mind to a huge caterpillar, which can be used to do
a hundred-man days’ work is an hour, but is controlled by a small steering
wheel. The mind is to a human what the steering wheel is to a caterpillar.
Without goals there may be movement but no direction. If you lack direction you
will not arrive at your destination.
what is your plan for accomplishing your goals? A plan breaks down your goals
into smaller and easier to accomplish bits. Anything can work if you have a
plan that clearly outlines strategies for accomplishing it.