“You are the part of rat race because you are letting them treat you like a rat. This is the modern definition of a slave.” – Saurabh Sharma (Author)

I remember once watching a film that had a scene in a
science laboratory. It had in it a rat that continually ran earnestly in a
spinning circle. It was obvious that the rat was exerting a lot of energy and
was “thinking” that by running fast enough it was making progress in getting
away from his captors. Little did it know that it was caught up in a vicious
Many of us are like that rat (no insult intended). We are
caught up in a race and we have been exerting all our energies, creative
abilities, finances, and intent in winning. Little do we know that the fact
that we are running does not mean we are progressing.
A rat race is put upon us by a system. In this system
things have a pattern in which they must operate. We are simply a part of this
pattern and nothing more. We are expected to do the same things over and over
until “expertise” is attained. At this point we are either promoted or paid
higher for our “contributions”. Little do we know that the promotion or pay
increase is not different from a bigger spinning circle given to a laboratory rat.
To make progress you must be on your own unique path. You must be pursuing a predetermined goal and
taking premeditated actions toward it. Progress is intentional. It does not
come on you but you work and walk toward it.
Rat races cut across education, occupation and career,
religion, and relationships. I have been in them, in fact, I still know some
that I am in at the moment. But I do not desire to remain in them. I often
evaluate my actions and ask myself in every aspect of my life if I am caught up
in a rat race. What I want to see is progress in every area – all cylinders
I suggest you ask yourself if you are in a rat race or
a progress race.
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