Have you ever wondered
why there are always sports facilities in good schools? These aren’t
placed there just for the fun of it. Schools have sports facilities because
educators have realized that physical activities in form of sports, jogging, or
even walking helps learning. Every good school has a sports program where they
develop the physical aspect of their learners. This is important because as you
participate in physical activities new brain cells are born in your brain and
this helps in learning.

Second, I realized that
it helped me to process information faster. While jogging I am able to steady
my mind on a thought and keep it there until I have the answers I seek.
Third, I listen to
audio books while jogging. This means that I multitask and use the opportunity
to learn from books that would have taken me a longer period of time to cover.
The moment I realised this secret to learning, I make sure I don’t leave my
room without an audio book in my phone.