“Why should you have to sweat the small stuff?”
“Why should you get bogged down in someone else’s
antiquated notions of morality?”
“Times have changed.”
“You've come a long way baby.”
“You've got to get out of there and forge your
own destiny!”
“Make it happen!”
“Fulfill yourself!”
“Pull your own strings!”
“Do it your way!”
Have you heard those phrases before? No doubt you
have. They come with some sort of fuel to spur you to greatness right? Now let’s
consider some other phrases.
“You shouldn't be hungry, tell this stone to become bread.”
“All the kingdoms of the world will be yours if you worship me.”
“Throw yourself from this cliff and the angels will save you.”
“Do you want to remain in the trappings of your knowledge? Eat this and
you will be like God.”
Similar voice?

This is what our system teaches but this attitude will certainly lead to
our downfall. Instead, think cooperation. It
is in cooperating with others that ability is multiplied geometrically.
Seek win-win at all times. Nobody
needs to be the loser for you to win. We sure have the desire to feel like
winners when others have failed but this injures more than it fulfills Quit the
competition. It is possible for your counterpart to win together with you at
all times.
Finally remember what Paul (the apostle) said: “I am self-sufficient in Christ’s
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