It is easy – much easier – to react to things rather than respond to them. We are taught in physics that action and reaction are equal and opposite and so we internalize that and give back what has been given to us.No matter what has happened, is happening, or will happen, there is a space between those things and our responses to them. – Stephen R. Covey
In the same way it is easier to continue the chain of
what we see around us rather than break it. In our desire not to be the weak link we become blinded to the fact that the chain we are protecting is rusted. A rusted chain is the family in which mummy got
pregnant out of wedlock, first daughter, second daughter and third daughter let's it "happen" to them. It is a business in which boss is verbally abusive, manager
verbally abusive, supervisors verbally abusive. It is the home in which father
beats mummy, sons beat girlfriends.
We all have had (or still have) our share of rusted
chains. The easy thing to do is ensure the rusted chain doesn’t break with you.
For example, my Dad gave himself to alcohol for much of his young life and I found
myself with an alcohol bottle every evening in my early youth. Not only that, I
initiated my younger brother! I had to get to the point where I spoke sense to myself
to not continue the habit I so hated
in lovely daddy.
It is only when you decide not to continue the rusted chain that you become a transition person. A transition person, in
the words of Stephen R. Covey, is “one who stops unworthy tendencies from being
passed on from prior generations to those that follow.”
{Order for my new book on
Do it Like Kids, click here}
The transition
person is a chain breaker. He doesn’t sit back and allow life happen to him but
makes life happen. He doesn’t react to stimulus, he responds to it. He recognizes
that he has the power to determine how his life turns out and decides daily to
take only the steps that ensure the rusted chain breaks.
Transition persons are priceless to the future. They are
the hope we have for a better tomorrow. They are the reasons we will not have
better yesterdays. They set a different example for the next generation to
emulate. Do you want to be a transition person? Sure you do! Follow my next
article as it shows how to be one.
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