When you know better you do better. – Maya Angelou

There is probably nothing more incapacitating than ignorance.
An uneducated mind is severely restricted by walls that can easily be broken. It
is by far easier to exploit a man of his rights and worth if, in the first
place, he does not know what those rights are!
In his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, the revolutionist, Nelson Mandela, wrote: “Education is the great engine of personal
development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become
a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a
child of farmworkers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we
make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from
If you would travel far and successfully on your
success path, you must undergo a knowledge revolution. Your mind must be
educated and liberated so it can live. How much do you know about your field? Have
you increased in your knowledge in the past two weeks? What about the past
month? Most advanced level graduates have never picked up a book within or
outside their fields since they left school.
A knowledge revolution changes your outlook to the
world. Gradually you will see things differently. Biases you have will be
challenged. You will be pushed beyond your limits in every area. It will unlock
you to endless possibilities that exist in the world around you and beyond.
A knowledge revolution begins by your acknowledging
that you do not know it all. Greek philosopher,
Socrates, said, “The only true knowledge is in knowing you know nothing.” When you
have the “I-know-it-all” attitude you shut your mind from receiving further education.
On the other hand when you know that there is still more to know, the window is
opened for the fresh air of new knowledge to flow in.
In addition, revolutions are the children of
specificity of purpose – focus (if you may). Zero-in on few specially selected areas
and invest your time and resources on building your knowledge base therein.
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