When the philistines got word that David had been made king over all Israel, they made war against him. David inquired of God: “Shall I go up and fight the philistines?” … “Don’t attack them head-on. Instead, circle around behind them and ambush them from the grove of sacred trees. When you hear the sound of shuffling in the trees, get ready to move out. It’s a signal that God is going ahead of you to smash the Philistine camp.” – The Bible: 2 Samuel 5

A strategy is a careful
method for achieving a particular goal that usually spans a long period of
time. To work out a successful strategy you need to think it through, plan
sufficiently and manage it until it is fulfilled. Nonetheless, my focus in this
write-up is to introduce you to an extraordinary strategist.
Elihu (Job’s young friend)
opined: “I kept thinking, ‘Experience will tell. The longer you live, the wiser
you become.’ But I see I was wrong – it’s God’s Spirit in a person, the breath
of the Almighty One, that makes wise human insight possible.” Did you see it? Here
it is again, “God’s Spirit in a person, … makes wise human insight possible.” If you want to experience extraordinary
strategy, you need the Spirit of God.
He inspired Noah to build a floating
shelter to protect humanity from rains they had never seen. He gave Moses the logically
“foolish” idea of walking through a split sea. He motivated Joshua to march
round the walls of Jericho for seven days without saying a word. He told Gideon
to reduce his 32,000-man strong army to 300 feeble men.
This extraordinary
strategist will give you ideas. He will guide you to accomplish them. He will
protect you through unexpected turn of events and eventually he will expect the
glory while you take the victory.
Don’t you want this
extraordinary strategist?
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