The Japanese term, Karoshi, means, “Death by overwork.” It is used to press upon the mind the literal effect of overwork. The Japanese even made a computer game with the same theme in which the goal is to so overwork yourself in every level until it leads to your death. It is a suicide game but you only die by work overload.By the seventh day God had finished his work and so he rested. – Genesis 2:2
When considering this rather bizarre gaming concept I
cannot help but see how closely related it is to many lives in our societies.
In a bid to work hard, or increase in productivity, folks literally work
themselves to death. In an article I
wrote on the work rat-race many-a-folk are in, I spoke of a cycle of death that they
cannot get themselves out of. This is so because they want to satisfy the
basest of human needs – survival. [To read more on this article, click here].
Work should give you more life and vigor and not kill
you. Every work should have a beginning and an end. When you get to the end,
rest! Overwork has numerous negatives, the most obvious and immediate being stress
and burnout. Stress on its own is a normal reaction to any physical or
psychological demand, but prolonged and repeated exposure to stress can lead
to burn-out, which brings with it a myriad of diseases.
In addition, overwork disrupts normal body processes. For
example, it is normal for any human body to produce insulin, which breaks sugar. Sleep
deprivation from overwork disrupts the body’s natural ability to produce
insulin, thereby leaving a possibility of Diabetes.
To control your work schedule and not overwork, you should
work smarter. This means you focus on the work at hand and ensure that all
distractions, like social phone calls and social media platforms, are off limits. This way you will do more in a shorter period and hence have time to rest. You
should also take breaks intermittently rather than work on a stretch. You should
get sufficient sleep every night. Do not underestimate the positive effect a
good night rest can have to your success. Finally, set work boundaries and rest
boundaries. This means that you place a limit as to what you do during your work
period and also during your rest time.
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