Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
achievements in any area of life are reserved for enthusiastic people; people
that are excited by the prospects of every action they take. People ready to roar like hungry lions
at the sight of a prey- the challenges facing them.
High achievers understand that
enthusiasm alone can give a person all he has planned for in any endeavor. You
see it in the very being of enthusiastic people - their walk is with confidence,
their eyes carry fire, indeed they are possessed and every part of their
body joins in the excitement. Doors open for them. When the doors don’t, their
enthusiasm pushes it open. People make way for them. They go about life thinking
things will go well for them- and things usually do. Enthusiastic people in trying to achieve a goal try all options.
They leave no option blank and with all options shaded, the answer must
be gotten.

a look around you:
one of the things that characterize our environments is people like us. If you
have a poorly developed personality, you will resent people that are either
better than you or those that seem to be catching up really fast at you. On the
other hand if you are on the path to success, the presence of these people will
serve as a source of blessing. You will use them as a motivation to make
yourself better. They will be for you a source of the necessary enthusiasm and
not competition for progress. In the
journey of life, there really is no competition. Everyone is on a separate
to be expectant:
what are your expectations? Be hopeful that things will go well for you. Expect
that as you progress, you will find doors open. Being expectant begins with you
opening your mind to the thoughts of success. Permit them to flood your mind
like water from a river that has broken its banks after a heavy downpour. Let
them have control over every area of your thinking, permeating through your
very being until expression of enthusiasm is found on the outside. Once your
thinking is aligned with expectation, you will begin to be expectant. It is that
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