And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, Why do you stand here all day idle? - Jesus (The Christ).
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Picture From Idle Traveller |
Unemployment is
an ailment eating deep into my generation. In many African countries the
figures are staggering, often reaching unimaginable points like 80% of all
youths. For a long time it was seen as a problem of the “developing world” and
though we still top the chats, several countries in Europe are fast
It is common to
get the answer, “I am doing nothing”, to the question, “What are you doing now?”
from young folks. It is this response that disturbs me. While governments are
truly responsible for creating enabling environments for young workers, it does
not excuse idleness. I believe that unemployment is a mirage. It only exists in
your experience if you permit it to. If you choose to you can take yourself out
of that group. All you need to do is occupy yourself with worthy work. It is
said that, “The idle mind is the devils workshop”. This is so because the idle
mind assuredly conjures up mischievous deeds.
This need not be
so. Our young minds do not have to
submit to idleness. At every point in time you can occupy yourself with a new
skill. There are numerous artisans that will permit you to understudy them
if you would offer voluntary service. What is wrong in learning to cook, or
bake, or sew, or farm? You give them your time and strength and they give you a
new skill that you could use in life.
Devote yourself to continuous learning.
Never get to the point that you stop learning. When you do not learn you do not
grow. So, read, listen to professionals, do cheap research, improve yourself. Take
advantage of this period of your life to become a better person.
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