Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over… - Jesus (The Christ).
Have you
wondered what makes some people geniuses in their chosen fields? They seem to
know what to do to wow everybody that watches. They do what they do with such
ease and precision that many find it difficult to believe they act only with
their human abilities. Such people are found in virtually every field – sports,
politics, clergy, - of human endeavor.
It is easy
to fall to the thought that they are simply more talented than their peers and
so their excellence but the truth is far from that. In every field, talent is never all it takes. It is one thing to be
talented while it is a completely different thing to harness your talent to
genius status.
The difference
lies in a simple thought – the genius gives himself or herself to the
field while the “normal” folk do not. Because the genius gives himself totally
to field, the field gives back to him, hence the birth of genius.
To give
yourself to a field may mean a thousand and one things but I will highlight
three. First, you give yourself to a
field by practice, practice and practice. There is no genius that has not
invested thousands of hours to practice.
Many would-have-been geniuses are too lazy to invest their time and
energy to such high demand for practice and so end up falling short.
understand that many have trodden the path you are on right now. Get them to
help you. You need guidance, counsel, mentorship. King Solomon once advised
that, “…victory is won through many
advisers.” Never think you can go it all alone and that advisers will lead
you to ruin. There is something about having done something in the past that
helps you see the pitfalls way ahead of any other person on the same path. Seek
for and enjoy mentorship on your path to genius.
In addition,
you need to – for lack of a better phrase - give room for instincts. There are things that practice or classes or
the best mentorship won’t give you. They lie deep within you and only you can
unleash it when it beckons. I am talking about those thoughts that flash in and
out urging you to get out of convention. Harken to them and act immediately.
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