I will praise you (God) because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful and I know that very well. - David (king of Israel)We all believe that we are special. We all think that there is something about us that sets us apart from the bunch. The fact that our DNA and finger prints are completely unique further deepens our conviction of this thought. This feeling is inherent because God put it there. You are indeed different! There is a lot that sets you out from the rest of us but if you are confused about what that is then it will be safe for me to say that you have not discovered much about yourself yet.
A couple of things leave people in this trap of uncertainty, among which is the fact that most of us simply conform. We adapt, look like, copy, and imitate the bunch. We act like chameleons - taking the color of our environment. Conformity is the best way to not stand out. It is you telling the world that, "There is nothing special about me, I am just another zebra in the pack of a thousand zebras." If you will stand out in life, stop conforming and start creating your life.
Another situation we play ourselves into is competition. A lot of folks take the competitive mindset away from the sports field into life field. When life becomes a competition for you, you will never really stand out of the crowd. Life is beyond making others look bad. Nobody needs to lose for you to win. In competitions there is always a loser. If you need to compete with someone then compete with you. Define your destination and set out to achieve it by outdoing yourself again and again.
Many other people simply shortchange themselves. They are gifted, talented, skilled and trained to do some things in outstanding ways but do not let themselves do them to the fullest. They can act but will not. They can sing but their voice will not heard. They can write but it is meant for them and them alone. This way they remain locked in a world of generalities and fall short of standing out of the crowd.
Liberate yourself from these three prisons and you would have set yourself up for unique success.
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