Monday 3 June 2013

Close your eyes and SEE!

Where there is no vision, the people perish… Proverbs 29:18
If you are in a group of ten young folks standing by the sea shore and you individually are asked this question: What do you see? Every one of you can answer: I see a large body of water. You would all be right for you have correctly answered the question asked.
Now, if on the other hand unlike that answer responses that sound like this are given: I see large cargo ships approaching a lively harbor, or, I see luxury cruises departing and arriving, or, I see an off-shore salt refining company, or, I see a beautiful beach swarmed with foreign tourists and holiday makers, what would be the difference?
Both sets of answers, though they are different, are correct in their own right. The difference between them is the difference between having sight and having vision. You need your physical eyes to see rightly but you do not need them to have vision. While sight is captured with your iris, vision is captured with the mind.
It was vision that got lemonade out of lemon, popcorn out of corn, and chocolate out of cocoa. It is vision that governs human progress. Without vision there is no progress. We have all made progress in our lives ONLY to the level of our visions.
This means that it is vision that will initiate your next progressive steps. If you have no further vision for your life you will make no further progress in your life.
To have vision you must be able to see with your mind’s eye. Your mind can see! That is the reason you still see things with your eyes closed and the same reason why a blind man can actually see.
Your physical eyes see the things that are, and so see all the limitations that accompany them. Your minds eyes see things as they can be and so sees limitless possibilities. You can see anything with your mind’s eye because with it sight has no boundaries.
To have vision does not mean to blindly dream. It means to dream and map out effective logical steps to achieve your dream.
Do not accept things the way they are. Everything that exists can be improved upon and you can be the source of that improvement.
So I ask again, you are amongst a group of ten young folks standing by a sea shore, what do you see?

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