Saturday 1 June 2013

Success IS the journey

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.
- Arthur Ashe

Our society has been grievously deceived! We all have bought a lie and are running with it! We have patterned our lives on a false blueprint and are on a path of life that leads nowhere! This lie is one that says you are a failure because you have not achieved the same level of success that people deemed to be successful have achieved. You must inject truth into you to liberate you from this lie.

TRUTH #1: We are all headed towards different destinations. Just the way no two people in the worlds 7,000,000,000 have the same finger prints, no two people have the very same life destination. We may be traveling on the same path but we all have different life destinations. Your life destination is as unique to you as your DNA. Discover it. 

Truth #2: The processes of our journeys are different. Just the way your destination is unique to you, the processes that define your journey will forever differ from that of another person. If you are among the few that know their destination and understand the unique processes that pertain to it, there is then a tendency to assume that you will be successful when you attain or achieve your goal. But no! Your success is not in attaining. Your success begins the moment you take the first step in your journey. We must have a paradigm shift in the way we perceive success. 

We must begin to see success as a cumulative thing which occurs at every moment of our journey rather than a constant which can only be actualized when the goal is hit. This means if you are on your unique path you are successful at this moment, you will be a little more successful tomorrow, and your success will continue to grow as you travel toward your destination.

Never forget this: Success is the journeying process and not just the destination. When you fully accept this you will indeed be freed from the lie our society has bought into and you will live better today.

1 comment:

  1. Good writeup Yusuf. I wish these truths can be accessed by a wider audience, because what the world needs right now is individuals being driven by their unique visions and convictions, and not what society dictates for them.
