Some things are meant to happen - it just
takes us a couple of tries to get there. - J. R. Ward (Author)
“Seeing we have not gone far, let’s call-in the
motor park for a replacement,” I suggested to other passengers after our taxi slated for a three-hour journey broke down after nine minutes.
“There is no need we do that,” they unanimously
responded. “It is just a minor fault, and who knows, it was probably meant to happen”. I could have disputed
their theory but I felt there was no need so I stayed silent.
One hour down we started out again.
Two hours into our journey, in the very middle of ‘no-man’s-land’,
the car made a sharp sound and stopped. This time it obviously was a more
serious problem for the car made no sign at all of starting. “I told you all!” my heart kept screaming with my mouth shut. I wondered if the passengers would have said it was a minor
fault that was “meant to happen” if we were aboard a plane and not a car. I did
not blame them much though - they live by fate.

People run to fate because it gives them a
loophole to be irresponsible. They cannot be held responsible for whatever
happened or is happening because the buck doesn't stop with them. “It was destined” or a better one is “God made it happen”. Have
you heard such clichés before?
Take the driver's seat of your life - we are
called to live by faith and not by fate! None who depends on fate has faith. Nothing
just happens because “it was meant to happen”. God
set nature to respond in a way that a prior happening causes everything that
happens - a cause and then an effect. As long as we ignore faith and hang instead on fate, life will give to
us whatever it chooses. If we instead take up the
responsibility of the things that happen in our lives, we can then begin to
change for the better whatever we do not like in our lives.
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