Sunday 23 June 2013

Drop YOUR Burdens and Start Running

Do you see what this means - all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down and start running - and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. - Paul (the apostle)
Usain Bolt is reckoned the fastest man in the world. He set a world record of 9.58 seconds in the 100m race. Impressive indeed. But then I sometimes wonder how well I would perform in the same track with Bolt. Not that I have a clue as to how to take on champions, I simply imagine what comfortable win I will have if he had a 50-kg sack of sand tied to his back. Not a fair race but a win is a win especially against Bolt. 
As it is with Bolt carrying a sack so it is with us when we carry burdens that weigh us down in life. How far can you get along your life journey if you have so many loads on your back? You would be much slower than you normally would and get exhausted much earlier than you normally would. 
Some burdens are guilt over the past, various “genres” of fear, anxiety, and procrastination, to mention a few.
In all speed related sports, dressing as lightly as possible cannot be overemphasized. All such athletes get fitted with as little as possible, both to ensure they carry no excess load and to glide easily through air resistance. In your success journey you must adopt a similar approach. 
Learn to recognize your capacity. We all have capacities in the different areas of our lives - emotional, financial, spiritual, and physical. If you do not identify and recognize how much you can handle in various areas of your life, you will lift burdens beyond what you should and will fall short of your finish line.
          Develop self-responsibility. You must know that you are the only person responsible for your life. Do not transfer the responsibility of your life to any one – not your parents, friends, work, religious leader – not anyone. You and you alone are responsible. By every means seek counsel from some trustworthy people but know that the final decision is definitely yours. The buck ends with you.

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