Friday 21 June 2013

Do NOT Live Tomorrow Today

Here you leave today and enter the world of 
yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy. - Walt Disney Company

“Life has no destination”, says a quote I saw on a neighbor’s door. It hit me like lightening and left me thinking for a long time. I argued inside me if it was true. Every life has a destination and whether we like it or not, admit it or not, understand it or not, we are all in a journey and all journeys’ end up somewhere sometime.
The fact is there is a day called tomorrow and it gives us the reason to live. We sense that there is something greater than our present ahead of us. Every person has a longing to take a peek into the days ahead – we were made that way - “…he has given us a desire to know the future” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). This desire should not lead us into desperation and anxiety as it often does.
Thinking is not the same thing as worrying. You should by all means think of and plan for your future, but you should not allow the desire to see good in your future make you worry.
Learn to see with your inner eyes. We worry much about our future because we are using the wrong pair of eyes to see into the days ahead. We are looking at the future with the eyes that sees only the present. Your outer eyes see the things on the outside- physical things. The inner eyes see the non-physical. With your inner eyes, you can see beyond all limitations and that is what we should do. When we look at our futures with our physical eyes, all we see are the things around us and the circumstances that surround us.
Wrong comparisons: Many folks measure their progress with the tape rule of others irrespective of age difference, environment, opportunities available to both parties, or, and most importantly, paths in life. I often remind myself that, “No two people are going to the same place in life”. The destinies of two people may be similar in all outward features but never the same.
Making plans with God: Today is the age of positive thinking, positive proclamations and positive actions but as we take these actions. All these good things will merely puff us up until we learn to rely on God for the fulfillment of our plans.

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