Friday 7 June 2013

What Have YOU Become?

    It's never too late to be what you might have been. - George Elliot

I have noticed that most children have one thing or the other that they desire to become when they grow up. Can you remember those ambitions you had growing up? Mine was to become a Pharmacist. Now, I am a world away from that but I must admit that that ambition had its role to play in my life. What matters is the dream to be significant and it is OK to dream. The price you pay for dreaming is time and thinking energy. Since I have some time and lots of thinking energy at my disposal, I have always let myself swim in dreams.
A person’s ambition gives him a sense of purpose. It gives your life direction. When people go on with life without an ambition at heart, they are like directionless missiles. They could explode anywhere with great detriments to many.
Interestingly, there is in every person the belief that we can become whatever we choose. We all want to be successes in life. God placed that trait in us all.

        You need to determine exactly what you want: Such a clear-cut decision will make you an arrow in motion released from the hands of an experienced archer. This is important. Because people do not know what exactly they want, they move from one thing to the other.
You will also have to work with your strengths: make sure your ambition(s) align perfectly with your inherent strengths. This will first require knowledge of your strengths. Working out your ambitions based on this knowledge will equip you with the necessary tools required for the achievement of your goal. It will also make your goal fun to accomplish.
Make sure you break you ultimate ambition into smaller bits: one reason why we fail in life is because we are so troubled with the pursuit and immediate accomplishment of great ambitions. Every meal is easier to finish when eaten one bite at a time. Many things are impossible to accomplish with one swoop. Your ambition is one of those things. There is no need to fret though. Simply break it down into smaller, simpler bits and take one bit at a time.

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