Wednesday 5 June 2013

Lead NOW!

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled,they will say: We did it ourselves. - Lao Tsu

         You have all it takes to lead in our highly competitive world.
     People and performance are more often than not defined by the word, “Best”. All through our lives we have been pushed to outperform our peers and be better than they. This indeed has helped us to develop, improving from one state to the other, but it has also led to the under-utilization of personal potential. We may become the best in our class but never the best we can be.
     Nevertheless, to lead does not necessarily amount to being first. Indeed, to lead means many other things rather than what we have believed it to be for so long.
     To lead means to have vision. All visionary people are leaders irrespective of their position in the hierarchy. This also means that not every one occupying a position is a leader because it is possible to have a portfolio and lack vision.
     To lead means to influence. Many people have titles without influence. I have seen many instances where the person people truly follow is sandwiched somewhere in the hierarchy. Such a person is the leader without being the boss.
     To lead means to grow. Everyday progress is made in every field. The prevalent information in all fields is overturned with fresher ideas and concepts every few months. To lead in your field will require you grow with the progress made in your field. The person with the fresher information and concepts automatically leads the flock, and he or she does not need to be the boss to achieve this.

     To lead means to take initiative. Most people, including those in highly placed positions, do not take required actions unless prompted by someone higher up the stack. Such a person is not a leader. To lead you must learn to take initiative and act!
     To lead means to follow. If you must lead then you must learn to follow because it is in follower-ship that you find your leadership path. Benjamin Disraeli said: "I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?" Many would-have-been leaders failed here! They assumed since they should be leaders then they do not need to follow anyone. They were probably never taught that the way up is down.
     So, you can lead! Do not wait for an office or portfolio. Have vision, influence positively, grow, take initiative, and follow. This way you are a leader already.

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